Flu Vaccinations

Flu Jab

FLU & COVID BOOSTER Clinics 2024/25

If you are over 65 or in an at risk group you are eligible for a FREE flu jab. 

PLEASE EMAIL: flu.w95046@wales.nhs.uk to book an appointment or telephone 02920 887831

You are at risk if you:

  • Are pregnant
  • Have a long-term health condition i.e. diabetes, COPD, chronic heart disease
  • Have a learning disability
  • Are the main carer for someone who is at risk 
  • Over 65

For more information on the flu vaccine please go to https://phw.nhs.wales/services-and-teams/beat-flu/

Please turn up as close to your appointment time as possible.

Please adhere to the following:

  • Arrive promptly for your appointment, but not to early
  • Remove your coat/jumper whilst waiting to go into your flu jab and store these in a carrier bag
  • Attend on your own to reduce footfall in the clinical areas, except for those who are frail or disabled and may need a carer or family member to accompany them, or if you are attending as a couple/family
  • Be prepared to confirm your personal details as well as any allergies/previous reactions you may have had to the flu or other vaccine

Important notice

Please also be aware that practices unfortunately do not receive the flu vaccines at the same time. This means you may get your flu vaccine at a different time to other people in your area. It is useful to note that the ‘over 65’s’ vaccine is different to the ‘at risk’ vaccine for under 65’s, and they are delivered separately. This has an impact on when different age groups can get the vaccine.