To access GP services via the App, you must:
- have a fully verified NHS login, or a valid photo ID to set one up
- be aged 16 or over
If you do not currently have the App on your device, here's how to get it:
You can download the NHS Wales App by following this link to the Apple App Store:
or by following this link to the Google Play Store:
You can access the web browser version of the NHS Wales App by following this link:

For minor concerns you should call NHS 111 Wales if you are feeling ill and unsure what to do, or for any health information on a wide range of conditions, treatments, and local health services 24 hours a day. You can also use the Online Symptom Checker to check any health concerns before contacting the surgery.
Telephone Triage
We encourage all patients to telephone for anything urgent as part of our Full Telephone Triage System. This can allow for rapid resolution of your problem, potentially without the need for you to come to the surgery. A member of the team will contact you via phone, video consultation or text to and resolve your problem remotely.
Call: 02920 887831
For routine telephone and face to face appointments please call after 10.00am as phones are likely to be busy.
Emergency appointments and all telephone appointments only please call between 08:00am and 10.00am.
Self-Help & Self-Care First
If you have a medical problem which is new, then the first things to do is consider self-care and self-help. There is plenty of advice available using the health resources section on our App which you can download here and selecting 'I want help for my condition' or by clicking the 3 bars on the top left of the App and choosing 'Health Resources'.
You can also see your local community pharmacist under the common ailment scheme 'Choose Pharmacy' who can treat a number of conditions and provide a Free NHS Prescription.
Appointment Options
We aim to offer a range of appointment types to suit individual needs and schedules. These include face to face consultations, consultations over the phone or via video call to communicate directly with the Practice medical team. We strive to ensure you communicate with the most appropriate member of our Practice medical team, which includes doctors, nurse practitioners, practice pharmacists, nurses, physiotherapists and mental health support workers.
Home Visits
Tonyfelin Medical Centre aims to provide a first class service to all its patients. We are now operating a new policy for home visits in order to use our limited resources to treat the most unwell.
Please try to attend the surgery for an appointment where ever possible, as the facilities are better for examination and treatment.Where you feel that a house call is necessary, please ring before 10.30 to request a visit.
The following patients are eligible for home visits:
- Registered as bed bound
- Terminally ill
- Suffer from a severe illness and cannot be mobilised
- Any other requests will be the doctor’s decision
Patients not in these groups are more appropriately seen at the Doctors surgery.
Interpreter Service
If you are hard of hearing and require the services of an interpreter for your consultation, we can organise this through the Wales Council for the Deaf. Please request this service when booking your appointment. We have a hearing loop at reception so please indicate to a receptionist if you would like to use this to make it easier for you to communicate.
In addition, we can arrange for communication between you and the practice to be by SMS or email if that would be of help.
Medical Information Cards can be obtained from, by contacting the Partners in Healthcare Team on 01792 776252. Visit the Deaf and Hard of Hearing section on the Welsh Ambulance Service website for more information